Issues such as sustainability, climate change, and wildlife conservation are hot topics in today’s media. The reason for that is because they are so important! Without looking after our planet, we may not have a planet to live on soon. So, read on for our ten top tips on how you can live a more sustainable lifestyle.

1. Be Fashion Conscious

The growing trend (pun intended!) in the contemporary fashion market is for clothing that can be sustainably sourced and produced. This might include t-shirts made from recycled cotton, skate shoes designed and constructed in a way that doesn’t exploit either the environment or the workers, or leather jackets made using the hides of sustainable, organically-reared cows.

2. Reduce, Re-use, Recycle

If you re-use unwanted products in another way, this will automatically reduce your need to purchase new things and add to the wasteful situation in which we find ourselves. Recycling products such as aluminum cans, newspapers, and glass bottles means that the materials can be used again without exploiting more natural resources.

3. Unplug

Most electronic devices still draw some power, even when they’re switched off or on standby. So, to reduce your electricity consumption as much as possible, unplug your devices when you’re not using them.

4. Use Daylight

Sunlight doesn’t cost you anything and is available for most of the time you’re likely to be awake. Keeping drapes and blinds open means that you’ll be reducing your use of fossil fuels, and you’ll save money on electricity and bulbs too.

5. Reduce Plastic

It takes millions of years for plastic to biodegrade, and there are now huge swathes of plastic smothering our oceans, causing catastrophic impacts on marine life. Every little helps; so, stop using single-use bags when you get your groceries and invest in a reusable water bottle instead of buying new ones all the time.

6. Take a Break

The term ‘eco-Sabbath’ is gaining popularity. This is the idea of having a day without causing any harm to the environment. No machines being turned on, no vehicles used, no phones answered, nothing being bought. It might seem impossible, but there are lots of other ways to fill your time. Having one day a week as an eco-Sabbath should theoretically reduce your carbon footprint by 14.3%. If it’s unmanageable to go for a whole day, just four hours a week would still cut your contribution to carbon emissions by 2.4% each year.

7. Homemade Products

By producing your own homemade, non-toxic products - for example, soap and domestic cleaning fluids - you can make a real difference. You and your home will still be clean, but without filling the world’s waterways with harmful chemicals.

8. Renewable Energy

Shop around when you’re looking for your next energy supplier. Many firms now use renewable energy - such as solar power or wind farms - rather than fossil fuels.

9. Go Paperless

Most organizations now offer paperless options if you sign in on their websites. For example, do you need a credit card statement sent in the mail every month? Or, is that a waste of paper when you could just check it on your phone? Reducing your paper use will reduce deforestation, meaning habitats aren’t lost, and more oxygen is in the atmosphere.

10. Limit Transport

Walk or bike to school, or carpool to work. Cutting down the amount you use a car has a huge positive impact on the environment.

September 22, 2021 — Wave Case
Tags: Guide