Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions
As we say goodbye to 2020, it’s time to think about our New Year’s resolutions.
We are all familiar with the classic ones, like gymming more and getting healthy, but what about making 2021 a little greener?
We’ve put together some sustainable New Year’s resolutions that you could try, to help reduce your carbon footprint.
Read on for some inspiration.
Eat less meat
Eating meat has a huge impact on the environment. As a world, we over farm, which causes an increase in greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
By simply making your Mondays meat-free or choosing to join in with Veganuary, you’ll be reducing your meat-intake and your carbon footprint.
No new clothes
Fashion consumption has changed dramatically over the years. It is now more accessible to get your hands on the latest trends, with fast fashion companies producing quick turn arounds of catwalk looks within days, to meet consumer demand.
However, it’s extremely detrimental to the environment and has made the fashion industry the second most polluting industry in the world, meaning a move towards a sustainable fashion future is extremely important.
Therefore, why not challenge yourself this New Year to not buying any new clothes?
Swap your fast fashion apps for Depop and Vinted and browse around your local charity shops instead.
Walk or cycle more
Not only is walking and cycling a great way to keep fit and healthy for the new year, but it also beneficial to the environment.
Instead of driving to work every day, you could opt to bike or walk for three days of the week or go car-free on weekends!
Make a plastic free swap
You could swap your phone case for a Wave case, try out shampoo and conditioner bars or switch to reusable cotton pads.
No matter how small the swap is, you’ll be reducing the use of single-use plastic and helping the environment.
Learn more
Finally, why not use 2021 to educate yourself, your friends and your family on how to live more sustainably?
You could dedicate one night a week to watching a documentary or reading a book, to grow your knowledge and understand the impact our actions have on the planet and find out new ways to help.
We’ve made sure our sustainable New Year’s resolutions are easy and simple, to increase your chance of sticking to them, because let’s be honest, we all know how it usually goes… join the gym, go a few times and then resort back to our old ways.
But we believe 2021 should be the year we all make changes for the better and these simple resolutions are a great place to start!
For more inspiration on how to live sustainably or to find out more about our eco-friendly phone cases, visit our blog and follow us on Instagram to #jointhewave.